Thoughts, Dropped

“Journey before destination”


Anyway, sometimes I find myself writing. On paper. I am not sure it could be called poetry, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

If you find yourself in this corner of the metaverse, feel free to check out what my mind decided to crop together.

I am not sure how often I will write.

Do enjoy.



Subconsciously, I think I’m trapped in my mind.

Surrounded by all my thoughts that split time.

Consciously, I think I’m free.

But, maybe I’m just living in a dream.

I think it’s all upside down — as my up is turned around.

Put differently, you're wrong. My world makes sense.

You’re hanging around, falling on your head.

Ask yourself, where’s your ceiling? You confused yourself instead.

Do you hear me? Do you speak your own words?

In my world, you’re obscure. You make no sense.

You’re living in my reality filled with no existence.

Like I said, up, down, I’ve tripped and now I’m flying.

I jumped and now here I am lying.

Is it all cleared up now? You’ve finally got it.

Life is what you make it.

So, leave me be.

Make your own fate or erase it.

1 min
5 cards

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